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KsTU Hosts a Team from Northern Regional College for Green Hydrogen Technology Collaboration

KsTU Hosts a Team from Northern Regional College for Green Hydrogen Technology Collaboration

Picture: The Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Gabriel Dwomoh, (seated in the middle), flanked by the Team from NRC, Dr. Mr Matthew Murray, (seated 3rd from left) and Mr. Stephen Hunter (3rd from right). They are surrounded by senior management and faculty members of KsTU.

Kumasi Technical University (KsTU) recently had the privilege of hosting a delegation from Northern Regional College (NRC), a visit which was facilitated by the British Council. The visit was part of a broader initiative facilitated by the British Council under the Skills Partnership Grants with Ghana which is aimed at fostering collaboration on green skills and entrepreneurial skills development.

The NRC Team was led by Mr. Matthew Murray, Head of the Department of Engineering, accompanied by Stephen Hunter, another lecturer. The Team engaged in fruitful discussions with KsTU’s Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Gabriel Dwomoh and other Senior Management members. The focus of the visit was on green hydrogen technology and its various applications, highlighting its potential to revolutionise the energy sector in Ghana and beyond.

During the interaction, Mr. Murray emphasised the importance of green technology in addressing global energy challenges and underscored the significance of the intended collaboration. The activities of the visit included a comprehensive presentation on green hydrogen technology by the UK Team and was attended by faculty members and the departments concerned. The presentation showcased the latest advancements in green hydrogen and its practical applications, generating significant interest among the attendees.

The delegation had the opportunity to tour the campus of KsTU, visiting various laboratories and engaging with staff and students. These engagements provided a platform for in-depth discussions on the potential integration of green hydrogen technology into the University’s curriculum and research initiatives.

In addition to green skills, the project also focuses on enhancing entrepreneurial skills among TVET graduates. The aim is to equip students with essential skills such as effective communication, creative thinking, problem-solving and leadership skills which will better prepare them for the world of work.

Prof. Gabriel Dwomoh expressed his enthusiasm about the partnership, noting that it offers an excellent opportunity for KsTU to pilot initiatives in green hydrogen technology and build local expertise. delegation’s visit concluded with a cultural immersion experience in Kumasi, allowing them to appreciate the rich heritage and vibrant culture of the region.

About KsTU

Kumasi Technical University was established in 1954 as Kumasi Technical Institute (K. T. I. ) to offer craft courses. In 1963, the Institute was converted to a non-tertiary Polytechnic status under the Ghana Education Service to start offering, in addition, technician diploma and sub- professional courses.

Contact info

Location: Kumasi - Ashanti Region, Ghana, W/A

Postal Address: P. O. Box 854, Kumasi 


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