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Administrative Staff of Kumasi Technical University Poised to Perform

Administrative Staff of Kumasi Technical University Poised to Perform

In order to further sharpen the skills of Administrative staff of Kumasi Technical University (formerly Kumasi Polytechnic), a two-day workshop has been organized for the entire administrative staff. Among other things, the workshop was meant to further enhance the administrative skills of the support staff for them to diligently execute their mandate.

In his opening address, the Acting Registrar encouraged the participants to put much value on training programmes such as the one they were going to have. He asked that all should take active part in the training sessions so as to achieve its intended purpose. The Acting Registrar of Kumasi Technical University (TUK) Mr. Abraham Annan Adjei further charged the participants to be ready for the task ahead as the Institution has become a fully-fledged university. He again implored the administrative staff to take the workshop very seriously since it was going to boost their professional competence. He said, the time has come for each administrative staff to demonstrate their highest capabilities and eschew all negative attitudes and tendencies that cast slur on their competence.

In his presentation, Dr. E.G.S Azumah, one of the facilitators emphasized the need for every administrator to be on top of their job and have excellent human relations.  According to him, every faculty (the University) is supposed to teach, research and render community service. The administrators however, have an additional responsibility. He emphasized that every administrative staff is expected to exhibit an unparalleled human relationship which is a potent recipe for success.

Speaking on the topic “Efficient Administrative/Management practices in respect of Conflicts Management at the Workplace”, one of the facilitators Mr. Charles S. Sakyi emphasized the need for conflicts management in organizations and how organizations should appropriately handle conflicts should they arise. He emphasised that conflicts are unavoidable in every human endeavour but any organization‘s ability to professionally deal with them is what matters. Mr. Sakyi urged Management and Administration to always opt for appropriate methods of managing conflicts and give their strongest support to any strategy that aims at ending organizational conflicts.

Mr. Akwasi Sarfo Adu, the Head of Department of Liberal Studies on his part walked participants through effective communication skills and presentation. He emphasized how to communicate effectively such that the appropriate feedback could be received within every level of the Institution. He further reiterated the need for both Senior and Assistant Registrars to improve on their writing skills since such skills are important tools for their chosen profession. 

About KsTU

Kumasi Technical University was established in 1954 as Kumasi Technical Institute (K. T. I. ) to offer craft courses. In 1963, the Institute was converted to a non-tertiary Polytechnic status under the Ghana Education Service to start offering, in addition, technician diploma and sub- professional courses.

Contact info

Location: Kumasi - Ashanti Region, Ghana, W/A

Postal Address: P. O. Box 854, Kumasi 


Tel: Admissions: +233(0)322 496 534, +233(0)322 496 380