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WITED Builds the Capacity of Members

WITED Builds the Capacity of Members

Women in Technical Education Development (WITED), the Kumasi Technical University (KsTU) Chapter has organised a day’s workshop for their members in the University. The essence of the programme was to address gender issues in the main stream and to ensure gender equality in the male-dominated fields and vice versa. It was also meant to build the capacity of participants in the area of Presentation, E-library resource/Plagiarism, Research and Manuscript Writing.

Speaking at the programme, the president of WITED (KsTU Chapter) Dr. Mrs. Patricia Owusu-Darko mentioned that their preoccupation was to try and encourage female enrollment. They were also trying to conscientise their male colleagues to come on board so that together, all could champion the course of gender equality.

During the first session of the programme, the Acting Librarian of the University Mr. Osei Kuffour Adjei took participants through the Act of Plagiarism. At the end of that engaging session, participants took turns with their contributions and questions. Mr. Samuel Ossom a member of the KsTU library team also took participants through the electronic resources which were available on the University’s IP system via the library page.

Subsequently, a Senior Research Fellow Dr. Smart Sarpong of Institute of Research, Innovation and Development (IRID) KsTU also took participants through the skills of conducting proper research. Eventually, participants were given the opportunity to try their hands on what they had gone through. This was followed by the Presentation Skills which was led by Dr. Patricia Owusu-Darko. She stressed on confidence, body language, eye contact, appearance, voice control, choice of words among others as vital in any presentation.

About KsTU

Kumasi Technical University was established in 1954 as Kumasi Technical Institute (K. T. I. ) to offer craft courses. In 1963, the Institute was converted to a non-tertiary Polytechnic status under the Ghana Education Service to start offering, in addition, technician diploma and sub- professional courses.

Contact info

Location: Kumasi - Ashanti Region, Ghana, W/A

Postal Address: P. O. Box 854, Kumasi 


Tel: Admissions: +233(0)322 496 534, +233(0)322 496 380