Çankırı Karatekin University (CAKU), Turkey announces for the opening of the application for student exchange within the scope of Erasmus+ KA171 mobility exchange program for the Autumn semester of 2024/2025 academic year. A student completing their programme before start of mobility is not eligible.
Grant & Mobility Period
Each selected student shall receive 800 Euros each month for one term and in total 108 days. € 2.880 + €820 travelling expenses. The grant does not cover the second week of the finals. 70% of the grant will be paid within 2 weeks after signing the grant contract. The remaining 30% of the grant will be paid after the completion of the activity and the documents to be submitted. The available quota is for two students. CAKU can accept students for only one term, Autumn term (108 days in total), nearly 4-month period.
Mobility dates: from 26.09.2024 to 10.01.2025.
Available Departments:
For Undergraduate Level:
- Mathematics BSc Programme
- Economics BSc Programme
For Graduate Level:
- Political Science and International Relations MA Programme (Master degree)
- Economics MSc Programme (Masters degree)
- Biology MSc Programme (Masters degree)
- Mathematics MSc Programme (Masters degree)
- Art and Design MA Programme (Masters degree)
- Business MA Programme (Masters degree)
Interested students should apply to the Dean of International Affairs and Institutional Linkages, Kumasi Technical University not later 31/07/2024. In furtherance of the application, the following documents are to be submitted:
- Letter of intent or application letter (Download application form here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZaXHRnh3ddUdX9ngYe3nnat2KVpK4jBZ/edit?usp=drive_link&ouid=116063267088048939372&rtpof=true&sd=true
Coloured copy of passport bio page
- Student ID
- Curriculum Vitae
- Transcript of Academic Record [should have at least 2.50 CGPA (undergraduate) and at least 3.00 CGPA (graduate)]
- Proof of enrolment
- Proof of English Proficiency
- Letter of motivation for the mobility
FURTHER INFORMATON:For further information, please contact:
Prof. Dr. Sarfo Mensah, sarfo.mensah@kstu.edu.gh 0244871712
Prof. Dr. Addo Koranteng, addo.koranteng@kstu.edu.gh, 0209142458